How can I set up a property website?

Setting up property websites is very easy and only takes a few minutes.

There are two ways to create SPS property websites. You can import an already existing MLS listing, and this will automatically create a listing website. Or, you can create a property website that is not active on the MLS.

How can I import an active MLS listing to create a property website?

  1. Login to your SPS account. You can also reset your password if you have forgotten it.
  2. Under the ‘My Sites’ tab, click the green ‘Add a new listing site’ button.

  3. Click the blue ‘Attempt to Import Listing Based on MLS#’ button

  4. Fill out the listing information and click the ‘import’ button

How can I build a property website for a listing that is not on the MLS?

  1. Login to your SPS account. You can also reset your password if you have forgotten it.
  2. Under the ‘My Sites’ tab, click the green ‘Add a new listing site’ button.
  3. Follow the guide and fill in the information from the Site Wizard to create your property website in a few minutes.